Entry nie untuk Areena:

Saya dan baca apa yang terpapar kat blog awk tu pasal nak design phone booth. Sebelum nak design sesuatu kita kena tahu apa konsep yang hendak kita buat. Ianya seumpama satu guide untuk kita agar tidak lari dari apa yang hendak kita buat...itu kena ingat. Dalam hal nie, mereka mahu kita design satu reka bentuk kat sini kita kena faham lah apa itu ergonomics design. Kat bawah nie saya bagi panduan sikit apa itu ergonomic design dan criteria yang perlu diambil kira dalan nak design phone booth awk tu...minta maaf lah saya tak sempat nak terjemah ke BM.

"The design of this took into account many aspects of ergonomics. Body dimensions, reach capabilities, and other anthropometric data---> boleh didapati kat mana mana buku design) was researched, evaluated, and included in the layout of the phone controls. The measurements were also included in the workspace, seating, and computer screen location heights. The grouping of all the money input/outputs, credit/calling card slots and the 29.5 inch height of the desk are results derived from this data. The overall configuration of the booth and its contents will accomodate almost 95% of the potential user population. The remaining 5% represent extreme physical characteristics such as body height, and sitting leg length. While it may be slightly difficult for these extreme cases to use the booth, it can still be done with minimal discomfort. The end result of this research was a basic understanding of the human body, its capabilities and limits, physical characteristics, and other related functions." - Clark, T.S. and Corlett-The Ergomonics of Workspace and Machines: A Design Manual

Sekarang saya harap awk dah clear dengan apa yang awk mahu tu. Saya rasa awk patut guna medium fiber glass sebab benda nie senang hendak dibentuk,kalis cuaca dan rengan. Design nya pulak...insyaallah kalu saya berkesempatan saya akan email kat awk nanti...tapi jgn berharap sangat yer!

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